Maximally-stable Local Optima in Random Graphs and Spin Glasses: Phase Transitions and Universality
Yatin Dandi,David Gamarnik,Lenka Zdeborová
Abstract:We provide a unified analysis of stable local optima of Ising spins with Hamiltonians having pair-wise interactions and partitions in random weighted graphs where a large number of vertices possess sufficient single spin-flip stability. For graphs, we consider partitions on random graphs where almost all vertices possess sufficient appropriately defined friendliness/unfriendliness. For spin glasses, we characterize approximate local optima having almost all local magnetic fields of sufficiently large magnitude. For $n$ nodes, as $n \rightarrow \infty$, we prove that the maximum number of vertices possessing such stability undergoes a phase transition from $n-o(n)$ to $n-\Theta(n)$ around a certain value of the stability, proving a conjecture from Behrens et al. [2022].Through a universality argument, we further prove that such a phase transition occurs around the same value of the stability for different choices of interactions, specifically ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic, for sparse graphs, as $n \rightarrow \infty$ in the large degree limit. Furthermore, we show that after appropriate re-scaling, the same value of the threshold characterises such a phase transition for the case of fully connected spin-glass models. Our results also allow the characterization of possible energy values of maximally stable approximate local optima. Our work extends and proves seminal results in statistical physics related to metastable states, in particular, the work of Bray and Moore [1981].
Probability,Mathematical Physics,Combinatorics