The Netz-Phytoplankton Community of the Central Bohai Sea and Its Adjacent Waters in Autumn, 1998
Acta Ecologica Sinica
Abstract:Features of phytoplankton community were studied based on the netz-phytoplankton data from the Sino-Germany Cooperative Project “Analysis and Modelling of the Bohai Sea Ecosystem”. Station-grid-surveys were carried out twice between 24~(th) September and 6~(th) October 1998, at 30 grid stations in the Bohai Sea, to understand the ecosystem structure and functions. Phytoplankton was sampled by the standing net type III (mesh size 76μm, the standard sampling tool in Chinese marine phytoplankton studies) with a vertical haul at each grid station. The phytoplankton samples were preserved in neutral formalin (2% final concentration of formaldehyde) and analysed in the laboratory using a microscope. Three classes, including 38 genera and 84 species (not including unidentified taxa) were commonly found in the survey area. The main phytoplankton group was diatoms, but the dinoflagellates were also important in the phytoplankton community, becoming the dominant group at some study stations. The dominant species were Coscinodiscus excentricus, Ceratium fusus, Chaetoceros lorenzianus, Eucampia zodiacus, Ceratium furca, Thalassionema frauenfeldii, Hemiaulus sinensis, Pseudo-nitzschia pungens, Ditylum brightwellii, Ceratium horridum, Stephaopyxis palmeriana and Guinardia flaccida, etc. Most are neritic species of temperate coastal seas, along with a few oceanic warm water species. The dominant species in the two station-grid-surveys were similar, so it can be deduced that phytoplankton community in the Bohai Sea in autumn was relatively uniform. Most of dominant phytoplankton species mentioned above are autochthonous species, which occur mainly locally. Hemiaulus sinensis, Stephaopyxis palmeriana and Guinardia flaccida are allochthonous species, imported via the Huanghai Sea Warm Current through the North Bohai Strait. These dominant species mentioned above are big-celled with high-carbon-content, most of them are key stone species in autumn in the Bohai Sea. A study of species population dynamics was necessary to understand the processes in the Bohai Sea ecosystem. Except for Coscinodiscus excentricus and Ceratium horridum, the species mentioned above are red tide organisms, with Ceratium fusus and Ceratium furca forming red tides in the Bohai Bay during the cruise. Phytoplankton cell abundance in the first station-grid-surve ranged from 4.14×10~4 ind./m~3 to 535.45×10~4 ind./m~3, the average value was 160.86×10~4 ind./m~3; it was high in the North Bohai Bay, the Central Bohai Sea, the North Laizhou Bay and the South Bohai Strait. Phytoplankton cell abundance in the second station-grid-survey ranged from 1.75×10~4 ind./m~3 to 226.10×10~4 ind./m~3, the average value was 77.84×10~4 ind./m~3; it was high in the Bohai Bay, the Central Bohai Sea, the North Laizhou Bay and the South Bohai Strait. Diatom cell abundance in the first station-grid-survey ranged from 3.30×10~4 ind./m~3 to 393.28×10~4 ind./m~3, the average value was 124.16×10~4 ind./m~3; it was high in the North Bohai Bay, the Central Bohai Sea, the North Laizhou Bay and the South Bohai Strait. Diatom cell abundance in the second station-grid-survey ranged from 1.63×10~4 ind./m~3 to 215.96×10~4 ind./m~3, the average value was 60.39×10~4 ind./m~3; it was high in the North Bohai Bay, the Central Bohai Sea and the South Bohai Strait. Dinoflagellate cell abundance in the first station-grid-survey ranged from 0.34×10~4 ind./m~3 to 234.23×10~4 ind./m~3, the average value was 36.69×10~4 ind./m~3; it was high in the North Bohai Bay. Dinoflagellate cell abundance in the second station-grid-survey ranged from 0.12×10~4 ind./m~3 to 144.20×10~4 ind./m~3, the average value was 17.45×10~4 ind./m~3; it was high in the Bohai Bay and the North Laizhou Bay. The horizontal distribution was quite similar between the two station-grid-surveys. The horizontal distribution of phytoplankton was determined by the diatom distribution pattern, dinoflagellates formed high abundance areas in the North Bohai Bay and the North Laizhou Bay and affected the phytoplankton distribution patt