Distribution of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Neuron in the Hypothalamus of Youth Dairy Goat
CHEN Shu-lin,MAO Hai-peng,ZHAO Hui-ying,QING Su-zhu,FAN Guang-li,ZHANG Yan,LI Yao-hui,ZHOU Jian-ping
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1671-9387.2007.01.010
Abstract:To study expressive characteristics of gonadotropin releasing hormone(GnRH) in the hypothalamus of youth dairy goat,the distribution of GnRH neuron in the hypothalamus of youth dairy goat was determined by immunohistochemical streptavidinperoxidase(SP) method.The results revealed that GnRH-immunoreactive(GnRH-IR) neurons were mainly distributed over nucleus supraopticus,nucleus anterior hypothlomi,nucleus paraventricularis and nucleus arcuatus;in addition,a certain GnRH-IR neurons were also found in nucleus preopticus medialis,nucleus preopticus lateralis,nucleus suprachiasmaricus,nucleus lateralis hypothalami,nucleus supraopticus diffusus,nucleus ventrodialis,nucleus ventrolateralis and nucleus mamillaris;and the rest were found to distribute over nucleus anterior commissuris,bed nucleus stria terminalis,nucleus perifornicalis,nucleus circularis,nucleus preopticus suprachiasmaticus and nucleus ventromedialis.The positive cells were mainly circular,triangle,oval,spindle-shaped,polygon,irregular shape,in addition,some of them had obvious projects.The circular and the triangle cell diameters were 7-27 μm,the oviod and the spindle-shaped cell minor axis and the majoraxis were 7-21 μm,10-48 μm respectively.GnRH-IR nerve fibers were only observed in nucleus pre-opticus medialis,nucleus preopticus lateralis,nucleus paraventricularis and nucleus suprachiamaticus.Also,some nerve fibers were found in medium eminence and the surrounding area of third ventricle.The results showed that the distribution of GnRH in the hypothalamus of youth dairy goat was extensive.