Inducing Apoptosis and Upregulation of Bax and Fas Ligand Expression by Allicin in Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Balb/c Nude Mice.
ZM Zhang,N Zhong,HQ Gao,SZ Zhang,Y Wei,H Xin,X Mei,HS Hou,XY Lin,Q Shi
Abstract:Many health benefits have been ascribed to allicin, including vasorelaxant activities.1 However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these effects remain unknown. To apply allicin in clinical anti-HCC treatment, different doses of allicin and Adriamycin (ADM) were led into transplanted tumor model established by injecting HCC BEL7402 cells into subcutaneous tissue of nude mice. Treatment with allicin and ADM resulted in tumor regression with inducing of Bax and Fas ligand (FasL) mRNA. METHODS Cell culture and reagents The hepatocellular carcinoma cell line BEL7402 was purchased from Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences and cultured in RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum (FCS) in a humidified incubator at 37°C with 5% CO2. Pure allicin (purity ≥ 99.9%, Zhengda Tianqing Pharmaceutical Corporation, China) and Tween 80 (Sigma Corporation, USA) were stored at 4°C. The storage allicin emulsion (19 mg/ml), including 1 g pure allicin, 2 g Tween 80 and 100 ml of 0.9 % NaCI, was stored at 4°C. The negative control solution included Tween 80, 0.9% NaCI and RPMI 1640 the same as experimental groups. ADM (Pharmacia & Upjohn Corporation, Italy) was diluted in saline to 10 mg/ml, stored at −80°C and diluted to 1 mg/ml when used. Animal experiment procedure Four to six weeks old Balb/c nude mice (with body weight of 24 to 26 g) were purchased from Animal Experiment Center (Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, China). Balb/c nude mice were subcutaneously injected BEL7402 cells (2 × 106 cells in 200 μl PBS/mouse).2 Experiments started when tumors reached an average volume at about 65-75 mm3 approximately ten days after tumor cell inoculation. Then the mice were divided into six groups with almost equal mean volume, and directly intra-tumorally injected of allicin and/or ADM (0.1 ml) every other day in consecutive 14 days. There were six groups (10 mice/group): negative control group (negative control solution), ADM group (positive control group, ADM 0.2 mg /ml), allicin low-dose group (1 mg/ml), allicin mid-dose group (2 mg/ml), allicin high-dose group (5 mg/ml) and allicin plus ADM group (1 mg/ml allicin + 0.2 mg/ml ADM). The experiments were terminated and mice were sacrificed by cervical decapitation 15 days after inoculation. Subcutaneous tumors harvested at autopsy were weighed and sectioned. Fresh tissue samples were wrapped in aluminum foil to immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen or fixed in 4% phosphate-buffered formaldehyde. General observation and tumor measurements The general conditions of the mice were observed every day. The body weight of the mice was measured every 2 days. The size of the tumors were determined3 by first measuring length (L) and width (W) and then calculating the volume (V=W2×L× 0.52) every 2 days. The tumor growth inhibition rate (IR) was calculated according to the volume of the tumor. IR (%) = [1 − mean (Vt − V0) (allicin/Adr) / mean (Vt − V0) (saline group)] × 100. Vt is the mean tumor volume on a given day during the treatment and VO is the mean tumor volume at the beginning of the treatment. Histopathological examination and ultrastructural studies The formalin-fixed tissues were embedded in paraffin, and examined by histology of hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining routinely. In addition, the sections were cut small pieces with the diameter of 1 mm to assess the ultrastructural changes by Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). TUNEL assay for apoptotic cells In situ apoptosis detection kit (Immunotech Corporation, USA) was employed to assess apoptosis rate by using the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) method.4 For quantitative analysis the number of TUNEL positive staining cells was counted under microscope. The positive percentage was namely the apoptotic rate expressed as a percentage of labeled cells in 10 fields chosen randomly. The results of staining were analyzed and evaluated with American Image-Pro Plus software. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis of Bax and FasL expression Primers for β-actin were synthesized simultaneously as an internal reference for all samples (forward: 5′-GTG GGG CGC CCC AGG CAC CA-3′; reverse: 5′-CTC CTT AAT GTC ACG CAC GAT TTC-3′). Bax primer sequences, forward: 5′-CAC CAG CTC TGA-GCA GAT G-3′; reverse: 5′-GCG AGG CGG TGA-GCA CTC C-3′). FasL primer sequences, forward: 5′-CAA GTC CAA CTC AAG GTC CAT GCC-3′; reverse: 5′-CAG AGA GAG CTC AGA TAC GTT-TGAC-3′). The appearance of specific bands (β-actin 540 bp, Bax 516 bp, FasL 345 bp) was evaluated under ultraviolet light and photographed. All primers are compounded by Bio Basic Inc. (China). Statistical analysis Results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD). Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 10.0. Statistical significance was set when P<0.05. RESULTS General conditions of mice In this study, no accidental death occurred in all groups. There was no significant change in food and water intake of mice before and after treatment. No adverse effects of allicin and ADM in mice were observed, except for body weight loss. ADM solely administered had maximum weight loss of mice. The body weight of mice was increased or decreased slightly in allicin alone groups (P>0.05). The combination therapy caused a lighter decrease of mice weight when compared with ADM alone treatment (P<0.05). Effect of allicin and ADM on tumor growth In the HCC subcutaneous xenograft model, allicin was able to inhibit tumor growth as single agent (Fig.). Treatment with a high dose of allicin significantly decreased tumor volume by 97% after 15 days (P<0.001) and treatment with a low dose of allicin also significantly decreased tumor volume by 63% when compared with the control (P<0.01). The inhibition rate of allicin increased significantly with the increase of the drug dose. In addition, treatment with a combination of allicin (low dose) and ADM resulted in a significant decrease of tumor volume even when compared with the allicin alone (mid or low dose) as well as ADM alone (P<0.05).Fig.: Suppression of the growth of subcutaneous xenografts of HCC cells by allicin, ADM, or a combination of both agents.Morphology of necrosis disclosed by HE staining In the allicin and ADM groups, there were many necrotic tissues and many invasive inflammatory cells. In high dose of allicin group, diffusely necrotic tissues were evident, and the liquefaction could be seen in the center area of tumor xenograft. Nuclei of viable neoplastic cells could appear collapsed and distorted. However in negative control group, there was mainly light and middle degree necrosis. There was minimal inflammatory infiltration at the grafthost interface. Nuclei were central, round, and large with fine to coarse granular chromatin and often a single magenta nucleolus. Ultrastructural change and DNA strand breaks about apoptosis There were ultrastructural changes by SEM and TEM. The tenuous floss decreased evidently in allicin and ADM group by SEM observation. Many ultrastructual changes were obtained by TEM observation too. The gap between cells was increased and the cells isolated from others were gained in allicin and ADM group, and most of synapses around the cell were faded. The shape structure of cells was disappeared and replaced by lots of cell pieces. The surface of many cells was slick, the microtubule inside was decreased and disappeared, and the mitochondrial structure was swell. Apparently there were typical apoptosis mass in many cells. TUNEL staining showed a significant increase of apoptosis after allicin and ADM treatment in mice (P<0.05). The average percentage of apoptotic cells was 23.8% in treatment group versus 2.5% in negative control group (P<0.01). Effects of allicin and ADM on expression of apoptosis-regulating genes Bax and FasL Bax and FasL mRNA levels in allicin or ADM treatment group were higher than that of negative control group. The result showed that there was a dose-dependent expression of Bax and FasL to allicin. Compared with the other treatment group, the amount of FasL in ADM alone treatment group was much higher. Therefore, the protection of allicin and ADM might be mediated by upregulating the expression of Bax and FasL, and consequent enhancement of apoptosis in tumor cells. Apoptosis rate had positive correlation with Bax (r=0.80) and FasL (r=0.85), respectively (P<0.05) (Table).Table: Apoptosis rate and the relative expression of Bax and FasL mRNA in the transplanted tumor tissue (n=10)DISCUSSION Epidemiologic evidence has shown a decreased risk of stomach and colon cancer with the high consumption of garlic and other allium vegetables.5 Allicin, a kind of sulfur compounds, appears to be the active components in the root bulb of the garlic plant. Allicin has been recently suggested to be a new member of chemopreventive analog. However, the exact pathway by which allicin affects the growth of HCC is still not clear. This study investigated the effects of allicin on the cell proliferation and apoptosis of HCC tumor xenografts in mice. In addition, the modulatory effect of allicin on apoptosis-regulating gene expression was examined. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR showed that the expressions of Bax and FasL mRNA were increased in a dose-dependent manner by allicin. FasL mRNA expression was increased significantly by the treatment of ADM alone. Allicin (low dose) in combination with ADM could enhance the apoptotic rate of tumor cells and the expressions of apoptosis-regulating genes conferred to the treatment of ADM alone. HCC is the fifth most frequent malignancy in the world, and the third cause of tumor-related death.6 Prognosis is still poor, mainly because the number of patients suitable for surgical therapy is limited. Regional therapies for unrespectable HCC are widely used by interventional radiologists and surgeons.7 This study investigated the inhibitory effect on the growth of HCC tumor xenograft mice model with the localized delivery of allicin. The growth of HCC tumor xenograft was suppressed by local administration of allicin. The anti-tumor effect of allicin in HCC xenograft was by induction of the apoptosis. Side effects of allicin generally were mild and uncommon as well as before study.8 The direct injection to the tumor body used in this study was based on the interventional ultrasonic therapy in clinic. The result indicated that allicin is suitable for the interventional treatment of HCC and can achieve good therapeutical effects. Recent reports of study in vitro suggested that these agents might exert their chemo-preventive effect by inducing apoptosis.9 Two channels about apoptosis are intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. Bax and FasL converge on them. Based on previous studies10in vitro, we investigated the apoptosis mechanism of allicin in mice model. Our results support the notion that apoptosis is a potential mechanism by the histological findings, ultrastructural changes and TUNEL staining. Allicin-induced apoptosis changes in the expression of proteins that regulate apoptosis in tumor cells. The present result demonstrating allicin-induced apoptosis by the up-regulation of the pro-apoptotic protein Bax is novel since Bax has not been shown to be induced previously.11 The pro-apoptotic effect of Bax is believed to initiate by its interaction with the mitochondria and its insertion into the outer mitochondrial membrane particularly. Fas/FasL-mediated apoptosis is a kind of apoptosis mediated through the activation of the family of death receptors (Fas). Fas is expressed and augmented in an extensive state. In contrast, the expression of FasL is more tightly regulated, often only inducible under specific conditions.12 Allicin may enhance Bax accumulation on mitochondria and FasL expression in HCC. Further investigations are necessary to elucidate the induction apoptosis by allicin. In conclusion, allicin suppresses cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in HCC. Our finding suggests that allicin may offer a new approach for HCC chemoprevention and the combined antitumor effect of allicin and ADM used as concomitant treatments was effective to HCC. Thus, allicin as a new chemotherapeutic agent would sensitize tumor cells to chemotherapeutic drugs in part through promoting Bax and FasL. Further study is needed in the clinical practice in the future.