Professional Identity Development of Counselor Education Doctoral Students.
Colette T. Dollarhide,D. Gibson,Julie M. Moss
Abstract:ColetteT . �Dollar hide, �DonnaM. �Gibson, �andJulieM. �Moss The authors used grounded theory to explore professional identity transitions for 23 counselor education doctoral students in a cross-section sample based on nodal points in their programs. The transformational tasks that doctoral students face involve integration of multiple identities, evolution of confidence and legitimacy, and acceptance of responsibility as the source of knowledge about the profession. The authors offer implications for training doctoral students. Professional identity, as defined by the Council for Accreditation for Coun- selingandRelatedEducationalPrograms �(CACREP) �(2009, �SectionII),� c omprises the activities inherent in the "professional leadership roles of counseloreducation, �super vision, �counselingpractice, �andresearch" �(p. �53)� and includes developing counseling expertise and collaborative relationships, participatinginprofessionalcounselingorganizations, �andcontributingto� scholarly research. Additionally , professional identity includes intrapersonal andinterpersonaldimensions �(Gibson, �Dollar hide, �& �Moss, �2010). �Inthe� intrapersonal dimension, professionals self-label as members of that profes - sion and strive to integrate their personal identity with that of the profession, working to adopt professionally viable skills, values, roles, attitudes, ethics, modes of thinking, and patterns of problem solving (Auxier, Hughes, & Kline, �2003; �Nugent �& �Jones, �2009). �Intheinterpersonaldimension, �new� professionals confront feedback about their personal/professional integra - tion that is offered by supervising members of the professional community (O'Byrne �& �Rosenberg, �1998) �andstrivetoentertheprofessionalculture� (Dollar hide �& �Miller , �2006). �Theprocessofprofessionalidentitydevelopment� is a cycle of learning, practice, and feedback in which the new professional experiences dependence and autonomy in the search for individuation, professional viability, and internal locus of evaluation (Auxier et al., 2003). Qualitative studies of professional identity highlight the importance of professional identity for counselor trainees and new professional counsel- ors �(e.g., �Gibsonetal., �2010; �Luke �& �Goodrich, �2010; �Nelson �& �Jackson,�