Does Perverse Economic Incentive Lead to the Irrational Uses of Medicines?

Wenhui Mao,Shenglan Tang,Wen Chen
Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research
Abstract:; use of too many medicinesper patient (poly-pharmacy); inappropri-ate use of antimicrobials, often ininadequate dosage, for non-bacterialinfections; overuse of injections whenoral formulations would be more appro-priate; failure to prescribe in accordancewith clinical guidelines; inappropriateself-medication, often using prescription-only medicines; non-adherence to dosingregimens, etc. The overuse, underuse ormisuse of medicines results in the wastageof scarce health resources and widespreadpublic health hazards.There are many possible causal factorsfor the irrational use of medicines in dif-ferent countries. Few of them are: lackof skill and knowledge of both providersand patients; limited resources; a largepatient burden; economic incentivesfrom selling medicines; and lack of effec-tive control and regulation on druguse
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