Lymphotoxin-expressing Marginal Zone B Cells Support Marginal Zone Integrity by Maintaining the Megakaryoblastic Leukemia-1 Expression (BA4P.221)
Hao Li,Hui-Chen Hsu,Qi Wu,PingAr Yang,Jun Li,Bao Luo,Yang-Xin Fu,Yong Zhou,John Mountz
The Journal of Immunology
Abstract:Marginal zone macrophages (MZMs) engulf apoptotic debris and play a key role in preventing autoimmunity. We previously reported that in autoimmune BXD2 mice, there is a progressive reduction in the function and numbers of MZMs associated with a gradual decline in MZ B cells. MZ B cells, compared with follicular B cells, expressed higher levels of membrane bound lymphotoxin (mLT). A mixed bone marrow reconstitution(Ly5.1+Ltβr+ : Ly5.2+Ltβr-=1:1) in Rag1-/- mice with an biased repopulation of MZMs (88:12), demonstrated that LT was essential for the maintenance of MZMs. To identify the mechanism of mLT on the maintenance of MZMs, MZM gene expression of BXD2 mice treated with PBS or soluble LTβ receptor (LTβR-Ig) was analyzed by the Illumina MouseWG-6 chips. Pathway analysis revealed that megakaryoblastic leukemia-1(MKL1) mediated genes were the most significantly down-regulated by LTβR-Ig. MKL1 is a Rho kinase mechanosensing signal that mediates cell elasticity. There was dramatic reduction of MKL1 in MZMs of BXD2 and CD19.Cre LTβf/f mice, compared to normal B6 mice. Similarly, there were reduced MZMs as well as spontaneous development of germinal centers and autoantibodies in B6-Mkl1+/- mice, compared to Mkl1+/+ mice. Administration of CCG1423 (0.15 mg/kg), a Rho/MKL1inhibitor, to BXD2 mice exacerbated the loss of MZMs. Together, our results suggest a novel immune tolerance mechanism that LT+ B cells in the MZ support MZM integrity by maintaining cell elastic signal, MKL1