Nonlinear van der Waals metasurfaces with resonantly enhanced light generation
Haonan Ling,Yuankai Tang,Xinyu Tian,Pavel Shafirin,Mozakkar Hossain,Polina P. Vabishchevich,Hayk Harutyunyan,Artur R. Davoyan
Abstract:Efficient nonlinear wave mixing is of paramount importance for a wide range of applications. However, weak optical nonlinearities pose significant challenges for accessing nonlinear light-matter interaction in compact systems. Here, we experimentally study second harmonic generation in deeply subwavelength 3R-MoS2 metasurfaces (<\lambda/13 thick). Our measurements, supported by theoretical analysis, reveal a complex interplay and coupling between geometric resonances, optical extinction, and strong nonlinear susceptibility dispersion near excitons. We further demonstrate >150-fold enhancement in second harmonic signal at 740 nm driven by the A exciton resonance. Additionally, our theoretical studies predict an enhancement of more than 10^6 in second harmonic generation in <100 nm thick structures exhibiting bound states in the continuum resonance. These findings provide insight into accessing and harnessing the unprecedented 3R-MoS2 nonlinearities at a subwavelength scale, paving the way for ultracompact nonlinear photonic devices.
Optics,Applied Physics