Proteomics cataloging analysis of human expressed prostatic secretions reveals rich source of biomarker candidates.
Runsheng Li,Yan Guo,Bang Ming Han,Xiaowei Yan,Angelita G Utleg,Wei Li,Lan Chun Tu,Jian Wang,Leroy Hood,Shujie Xia,Biaoyang Lin
Abstract:Expressed prostatic secretions (EPS) contain proteins of prostate origin that may reflect the health status of the prostate and be used as diagnostic markers for prostate diseases including prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and prostate cancer. Despite their importance and potential applications, a complete catalog of EPS proteins is not yet available. We, therefore, undertook a comprehensive analysis of the EPS proteome using 2-D micro-LC combined with MS/MS. Using stringent filtering criteria, we identified a list of 114 proteins with at least two unique-peptide hits and an additional 75 proteins with only a single unique-peptide hit. The proteins identified include kallikrein 2 (KLK2), KLK3 (prostate-specific antigen), KLK11, and nine cluster of differentiation (CD) molecules including CD10, CD13, CD14, CD26, CD66a, CD66c, CD 143, CD177, and CD224. To our knowledge, this list represents the first comprehensive characterization of the EPS proteome, and it provides a candidate biomarker list for targeted quantitative proteornics analysis using a multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) approach. To help prioritize candidate biomarkers, we constructed a protein-protein interaction network of the EPS proteins using Cytoscape (, and overlaid the expression level changes from the Oncomine database onto the network.