Giant Craniopharyngioma Presenting as a Cerebellopontine Angle Tumour
P. Singh,A. Sarkari,P. Sarat Chandra,A. Mahapatra,B. Sharma,H. Gurjar
Pediatric Neurosurgery
Abstract:with a solid component having patchy calcification. On MRI, the lesion was hypointense on T 1 WI and hyperintense on T 2 WI with intensities different from CSF. On Gdcontrast there was uniform peripheral enhancement along with enhancement of septa suggestive of multiple cysts. A ventriculoperitoneal shunt was inserted on admission to improve the general condition by alleviating hydrocephalus. Definitive surgery by a left retrosigmoid approach was done after 5 days. Intraoperatively, a cystic extra-axial lesion was found in the left cerebello-pontine angle adhering to the 5th–8th cranial nerves and adhering to and compressing the brainstem. Brown, viscous fluid resembling engine oil suggestive of craniopharyngioma was found. Subtotal excision, along with cyst fenestration and placement of Ommaya reservoir was done. Adequate decompression was achieved. A biopsy was suggestive of adamantinomatous variety of craniopharyngioma. The location of craniopharyngioma is usually in relation to the sella. About 4% of all craniopharyngiomas are purely intrasellar, 21% are sellar and suprasellar, and 75% are suprasellar alone, often with extension up into the third ventricle [2, 3] . Large craniopharyngiomas may extend into the sphenoid sinus and nasopharynx anteriorly and, rarely (4–5.9%), along the clivus [4] and into the cerebellopontine angle [5] posteriorly. Craniopharyngiomas in the posterior fossa location are rare. They have been categorized into three distinct types [6] : (1) large lesions extending from the suprasellar region to the posterior fossa [7] , (2) recurrence in the posterior fossa after surgery for a sellar or parasellar craniopharyngioma [8, 9] , and (3) craniopharyngiomas that arise de novo in the posterior fossa [10] . Craniopharyngiomas constitute 1.2–4.6% of all intracranial tumours. In a paediatric population, they have a higher annual incidence of 5.25 cases per million and account for 6–13% of all intracranial tumours [1] . Most commonly, they arise in the suprasellar/parasellar region but may do so anywhere along the craniopharyngeal duct. Craniopharyngiomas are non-functional, non-invasive and non-metastasizing tumours but may achieve large sizes and produce symptoms by compression and distortion of normal structures. We report images of a child who presented to us with clinical and radiological features of a cerebello-pontine angle tumour which was found to be craniopharyngioma. A 14-year-old female presented to our institution with complaints of left ear tinnitus and progressive hearing loss for 1 year, vertigo and ataxia for 10 months and progressive diminution of vision in both eyes for 8 months. The patient came from a rural area with limited medical facilities where no proper diagnosis could be made for about 7 months. Later on when her vision had significantly deteriorated, she was taken to an ophthalmologist in a nearby town who advised a CT head and then referred her to our institute. On examination, the patient’s visual acuity was just limited to perception of light in both eyes with bilateral papilledema on fundus examination. She had a completely deaf left ear and left-sided cerebellar signs – hypotonicity, dydiadochokinesia, and impaired check phenomenon. On a non-contrast CT scan, the patient had a 6.1 ! 3.2 ! 4.1 cm hypodense extra-axial lesion in the left cerebellopontine angle compressing the brainstem and causing effacement of the fourth ventricle with obstructive hydrocephalus. The lesion had posterior parasellar extension Received: May 4, 2012 Accepted after revision: September 11, 2012 Published online: November 2, 2012