ArticleThe Atypical PKC-Interacting Protein p 62 Is an Important Mediator of RANK-Activated Osteoclastogenesis
M. Diaz-Meco,S. Picard,J. Moscat,J. Flores,M. Serrano,Jacques P. Brown,A. Durán,M. Leitges
Abstract:blasts and osteoclasts, respectively. Pathological bone resorption is produced when this balance is tilted toward an increased osteoclastic activity like in osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, or as a consequence of genetic malfunctions such as in the Paget's disease of the bone (PDB). The latter is a genetic disease characterized by Centro Nacional de Biotecnología increased osteoclastic activity leading to disorganized Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas bone formation (Roodman, 1996). Recent studies have Universidad Autó noma shown that mutations in the gene coding for the atypical Canto Blanco PKC (aPKC) scaffold protein p62 are the cause of the 28049 Madrid 5q35-linked PDB (Laurin et al., 2002). The aPKCs Spain (/PKC and PKC) are critical mediators in the control 34 Departamento de Medicina y Cirugia Animal ing et al., 2002) serves to locate these kinases in different Facultad de Veterinaria signaling cascades that regulate NF-B and cell polarity, Universidad Complutense respectively. In response to several stimuli, p62 directly 28040 Madrid interacts with TRAF6 (Sanz et al., 2000; Wooten et al., Spain 2001), which is essential in the signaling mechanisms 5 Groupe de recherche en Maladies Osseuses leading to the activation of NF-B in cells triggered by Centre de Recherche du CHUL 2002). IB serves to retain NF-B in the cyto-plasm in an inactive complex formed by the transactivat-ing subunit RelA and the transcriptionally inactive p50. Summary Once released from IB, NF-B enters the nucleus, where it activates the transcription of a number of genes The atypical PKCs (aPKCs) have been implicated ge-coding for prosurvival and differentiation proteins and netically in at least two independent signaling cas-inflammatory cytokines. TRAF6 knockout (KO) mice cades that control NF-B and cell polarity, through the show impaired NF-B activation in IL-1-stimulated cells interaction with the adapters p62 and Par-6, respec-and, interestingly, display an osteopetrotic phenotype tively. P62 binds TRAF6, which plays an essential role in osteoclastogenesis and bone remodeling. Recently, implicates this important adaptor not only in inflamma-p62 mutations have been shown to be the cause of tion and innate immunity but also in bone remodeling. the 5q35-linked Paget's disease of bone, a genetic As p62 binds TRAF6 (Sanz et al., 2000) and mutations disorder characterized by aberrant osteoclastic activ-in the p62 gene are the cause of the PDB (Hocking et ity. Here we show that p62, like TRAF6, is upregulated al., 2002; Laurin et al., 2002), it is possible that p62, like during RANK-L-induced osteoclastogenesis and that …