Chromosome-level genome assembly of the sacoglossan sea slug Elysia timida (Risso, 1818)
Lisa Maenner,Tilman Schell,Julia Spies,Carles Galia-Camps,Damian Baranski,Alexander Ben Hamadou,Charlotte Gerheim,Kornelia Neveling,Eric J. N. Helfrich,Carola Greve
Sequencing and annotating genomes of non-model organisms helps to understand genome architecture, the genetic processes underlying species traits, and how these genes have evolved in closely-related taxa, among many other biological processes. However, many metazoan groups, such
as the extremely diverse molluscs, are still underrepresented in the number of sequenced and annotated genomes. Although sequencing techniques have recently improved in quality and quantity, molluscs are still neglected due to difficulties in applying standardized protocols for obtaining genomic data.
In this study, we present the chromosome-level genome assembly and annotation of the marine sacoglossan species Elysia timida, known for its ability to store the chloroplasts of its food algae. In particular, by optimizing the Long-read and chromosome conformation capture library preparations, the genome assembly was performed using PacBio HiFi and Arima HiC data. The scaffold and contig N50s, at 41.8 Mb and 1.92 Mb, respectively, are 100-fold and 4-fold higher compared to other published sacoglossan genome assemblies. Structural annotation resulted in 19,904 protein-coding genes, which are more contiguous and complete compared to publicly available annotations of Sacoglossa. We detected genes encoding polyketide synthases in E. timida, indicating that polypropionates are produced. HPLC-MS/MS analysis confirmed the presence of a large number of polypropionates, including known and yet uncharacterised compounds.
We can show that our methodological approach helps to obtain a high-quality genome assembly even for a "difficult-to-sequence" organism, which may facilitate genome sequencing in molluscs. This will enable a better understanding of complex biological processes in molluscs, such as functional kleptoplasty in Sacoglossa, by significantly improving the quality of genome assemblies and annotations.