Expression of ΔDNMT3B Variants and Its Association with Estrogen/progestogen Receptor Status in Breast Cancer
Ning-hong Liu,Lu Yang,Ming-lei Zhuo,Jie Wang,Shu-hang Wang,Jun Zhao,Hua Bai
Abstract:Our previous study has showed that Delta DNMT3B is the predominant form of DNMT3B in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In this study, we aimed to explore the expression patterns of the Delta DNMT3B variants in breast cancer and to identify whether the pattern was similar to that in NSCLC or not and its clinical significance.Expression of seven Delta DNMT3B variants in 59 breast cancer and the corresponding normal tissue was measured using RT-PCR. The correlations between the expressions of Delta DNMT3B variants and the clinical parameters including ER/PR status, clincopathologic feature and survivals were analyzed.There were significant differences in the expression ratios of Delta DNMT3B1-7 variants between breast cancer tissues and normal tissues (P < 0.001). The positive ratio of Delta DNMT3B1-7 variants were 66%, 71%, 17%, 51%, 76.2%, 50% and 61% in tumor tissue, respectively; while 16%, 8.4%, 3.38%, 3.38%, 11.8%, 13.5% and 5.08% in the corresponding normal tissue, which was different from the pattern of Delta DNMT3B1-7 expression in NSCLC (62%, 76%, 2.5%, 46%, 18%, 27% and 16% in tumor tissue, respectively; while 18%, 11%, 0%, 3.3%, 0%, 0% and 0% in normal lung tissue, respectively; P < 0.0001). Expressions of Delta DNMT3B2, 3B4 and 3B7 were higher in the patients with negative estrogen receptor (ER) than those with positive estrogen receptor (P=0.035, P=0.0141 and P=0.0219, respectively). Delta DNMT3B7 expression was higher for the patients with negative progestogen receptor (PR) compared to those with positive progestogen receptor (P=0.0379). Expression ratio of Delta DNMT3B5 in stage III tumors is lower than that in stage I/II ones (P= 0.041). But we did not find any relation between the Delta DNMT3B variants and the patients' survival.The pattern of Delta DNMT3B variants in breast cancer is different from that in NSCLC. Expressions of Delta DNMT3B2, 3B4 and 3B7 are associated with estrogen receptors status. While Delta DNMT3B7 is associated with progestogen receptor. No relation between the Delta DNMT3B variants and the patients' survival were found.