Extended Fitting Methods of Active Shape Model for the Location of Facial Feature Points
Chunhua Du,Jie Yang,Qiang Wu,Tianhao Zhang,Huahua Wang,Lu Chen,Zheng Wu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/11949619_54
Abstract:In this study, we propose three extended fitting methods to the standard ASM(active shape model). Firstly, profiles are extended from 1D to 2D; Secondly, profiles of different landmarks are constructed individually; Thirdly, length of the profilesis determined adaptively with the change of level during searching, and the displacements in the last level are constrained. Each method and the combination of three methods are tested on the SJTU(Shanghai Jiaotong University) face database. In all cases, compared to the standard ASM, each method improves the accuracy or speed in a way, and the combination of three methods improves the accuracy and speed greatly.