Plasma Detumbling of Failed Spacecraft by Using Hall Effect Thrusters
Honghua Dai,Hongqian Zhao,Xiaokui Yue
Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics
Abstract:No AccessEngineering NotesPlasma Detumbling of Failed Spacecraft by Using Hall Effect ThrustersHonghua Dai, Hongqian Zhao and Xiaokui YueHonghua DaiNorthwestern Polytechnical University, 710072 Xi'an, People's Republic of China, Hongqian ZhaoNorthwestern Polytechnical University, 710072 Xi'an, People's Republic of China and Xiaokui YueNorthwestern Polytechnical University, 710072 Xi'an, People's Republic of ChinaPublished Online:7 Oct 2022 Now ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload citationTrack citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditEmail About References [1] Smirnov N. N., Space Debris: Hazard Evaluation and Debris, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2001, pp. 5–12. Google Scholar[2] Probe A., Elgohary T. A. and Junkins J. L., "A New Method for Space Objects Probability of Collision," AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, AIAA Paper 2016-5653, 2016. LinkGoogle Scholar[3] Gonzalo J. 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See also AIAA Rights and Permissions TopicsArtificial Neural NetworkComputing SystemComputing and InformaticsComputing, Information, and CommunicationEnergyEnergy EconomicsGuidance and Navigational AlgorithmsGuidance, Navigation, and Control SystemsIon ThrusterPropulsion and PowerSatellitesSpace Systems and VehiclesSpacecraft PropulsionSpacecrafts KeywordsSpacecraftsHall Effect ThrusterGuidance LawsNeural NetworksFuel ConsumptionGuidance AlgorithmsSatellitesComputing MethodsVelocity Distribution FunctionParticle NumberAcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant numbers 12072270 and U2013206) and National Key Research and Development Program of China (grant number 2021YFA0717100).PDF Received17 December 2021Accepted29 July 2022Published online7 October 2022