Surface Reconstruction for Deformed Mesh Based on Original Surface Information
Tan Guanghua,Zhiyang Chen,Zhang Sanyuan,Xiuzi Ye,Jiang Yuehua
Abstract:In order to perform interference check and re-analysis for the deformed model after FEA,the solid model has to be reconstructed from the deformed mesh.Based on the information of the original surface,the deformed mesh was segmented into different feature regions.For each feature region,different method was applied for quadratic surfaces and B-spline surfaces separately.For quadratic surfaces,a method of parameter recognition was introduced based on the iso-parameter line.For B-spline surfaces,an iterative method of surface reconstruction in given tolerance was presented.Based on the topology of the original model,the fitted surfaces were trimmed and sewed into a solid model.As the application of the original surface information,it simplifies the process of surface reconstruction.Results show that this method can quickly and efficiently reconstruct the deformed mesh with arbitrary complex topology.