Multi-objective Optimal Roadside Units Deployment in Urban Vehicular Networks
Weian Guo,Zecheng Kang,Dongyang Li,Lun Zhang,Li Li
Abstract:The significance of transportation efficiency, safety, and related services is increasing in urban vehicular networks. Within such networks, roadside units (RSUs) serve as intermediates in facilitating communication. Therefore, the deployment of RSUs is of utmost importance in ensuring the quality of communication services. However, the optimization objectives, such as time delay and deployment cost, are commonly developed from diverse perspectives. As a result, it is possible that conflicts may arise among the objectives. Furthermore, in urban environments, the presence of various obstacles, such as buildings, gardens, lakes, and other infrastructure, poses challenges for the deployment of RSUs. Hence, the deployment encounters significant difficulties due to the existence of multiple objectives, constraints imposed by obstacles, and the necessity to explore a large-scale optimization space. To address this issue, two versions of multi-objective optimization algorithms are proposed in this paper. By utilizing a multi-population strategy and an adaptive exploration technique, the methods efficiently explore a large-scale decision-variable space. In order to mitigate the issue of an overcrowded deployment of RSUs, a calibrating mechanism is adopted to adjust RSU density during the optimization procedures. The proposed methods also take care of data offloading between vehicles and RSUs by setting up an iterative best response sequence game (IBRSG). By comparing the proposed algorithms with several state-of-the-art algorithms, the results demonstrate that our strategies perform better in both high-density and low-density urban scenarios. The results also indicate that the proposed solutions substantially improve the efficiency of vehicular networks.
Neural and Evolutionary Computing,Artificial Intelligence