DLBS: Decentralized load balancing scheme for event-driven cloud frameworks

Changlong Li,Xuehai Zhou,Mingming Sun,Kun Lu,Jinhong Zhou,Hang Zhuang,Dong Dai
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/PADSW.2014.7097896
Abstract:With the development of cloud computing, more and more applications are moving to a distributed fashion to solve problems. These applications usually contain complex iterative or incremental procedures and have a more urgent requirement on low-latency. Thus many event-driven cloud frameworks are proposed. To optimize this kind of frameworks, an efficient strategy to minimize the execution time by redistributing work- loads is needed. Nowadays, load balance is a critical issue for the efficient operation of cloud platforms and many centralized schemes have already been proposed. However, few of them have been designed to support event-driven frameworks. Besides, as the cluster size and volume of tasks increases, centralized scheme will lead to a bottleneck of master node. In this paper, we demonstrate a decentralized load balancing scheme named DLBS for event-driven cloud frameworks and present two technologies to optimize it. In our design, schedulers are placed in every node for independently load-monitoring, autonomous decision-making and parallel task-scheduling. With the help of DLBS, master frees from the burden and tasks are executed with lower latency. We analyze the excellence of DLBS theoretically and proof it through simulation. At last, we implement and deploy it on a 64-machine cluster and demonstrate that it performs within 20% of an ideal scheme, which are consistent with simulation results.
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