Implementation of the OFDM Chirp Waveform on MIMO SAR Systems
Jie Wang,Longyong Chen,Xingdong Liang,Chibiao Ding,Kun Li
Abstract:Attention has been devoted to multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems in recent years. The applications of MIMO SAR systems, which involve high-resolution wide-swath remote sensing, 3-D imaging, and multibaseline interferometry, are seriously limited by the available sets of orthogonal waveforms. Although orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) chirp waveforms are proposed to avoid intrapulse interferences, this waveform scheme has not been investigated for practical implementation. In this paper, challenges in implementing the OFDM chirp waveforms on practical systems are analyzed and solved. First, the small extra carrier frequency between the mutually orthogonal waveforms, which renders the OFDM chirp waveforms not strictly on common spectral support, is avoided by improving the modulation of the OFDM chirp waveform. Second, the tedious demodulation, which is realized by circular-shift addition in the time domain and subcarrier extraction in the frequency domain, is improved. Third, the radar systematic error and the Doppler shift, which introduce bandwidth leakage and degrade the waveform orthogonality significantly, are compensated. Finally, taking all these challenges into consideration, a novel signal processing algorithm along with a MIMO SAR system model is proposed. Theoretical analysis is validated by simulations and systematic calibration measurements based on a C-band system.