Numerical investigation of longitudinal coherence in a linear tapered sase fel

Li Heting,Jia Qika
Abstract:We numerically investigate the longitudinal coherence in a linear tapered FEL based on self-amplified spontaneous emission, where the radiation has been shown to have a limited longitudinal coherence. The cases of different starting points and tapered amplitudes are simulated, and the results from GENESIS (3D code) are presented. It has been shown that longitudinal coherence can be improved distinctly by employing tapered undulators starting from the end of the exponential gain region and with an appropriate amplitude. INTRODUCTION Self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) [1] has become one of leading candidates for approaching the Xray free-electron lasers (FELs) for the capability of generating high-brightness radiation down to hard X-ray wavelengths [2]. However, for an uniform-parameter undulator, the FEL efficiency at saturation is roughly given by the FEL scaling parameter  , where  is typically on the order of 10 in X-ray wavelength. Moreover, due to the fact that the SASE process starts up from incoherent shot-noise, the FEL spectrum at saturation consists of many spikes within a broad bandwidth, namely, the SASE FEL has a poor longitudinal coherence. Tapered undulator was proposed as a method mainly to enhence the FEL efficiency many years ago [3-6], and in some papers, spectrum cleaning was also briefly mentioned but mainly for the radiation in long wavelengths. In this letter, we numerically investigate the tapered undulator for SASE X-ray FELs, with the goal of improving the radiation spectrum and an incidental consequence of increasing the radiation power. Our approach is using a long uniform undulator to start up the SASE process and bunch the electrons longitudinally and following a series of tapered undulators with a constant tapered rate. In this approach, the starting point and tapered rate of tapered undulator is the two key factors that directly affect the FEL radiation. SIMULATIONS Using time-dependent codes GENESIS, the SASE FELs with tapering was numerically explored for many cases of different starting points and different tapered amplitudes. The normal SASE FEL without tapering is also simulated for comparison. The relevant parameters used in simulations are listed in Table 1. Considering the FEL physics, we start the tapered undulator from three different points: the middle of the exponential gain region, the end of the exponential gain region and the point near saturation. Marking the starting point as z0, they are z0=22.56m, 30.24m and 34.08m, corresponding to the three cases above respectively. Table 1: Simulation Parameter Based on LCLS Electron beam: Energy: 4.3 GeV Energy spread: 0.025% Peak current: 2000 A Emittance: 1.2 mm·mrad Undulator: Period: 3.0 cm Undulator parameter K: 3.5 Segment length: 3.36 m Radiation: FEL wavelength: 1.5095 nm Without Tapering The SASE FEL without tapering was simulated firstly. The gain curve of radiation power is given in Fig. 1 and the radiation spectrum at saturation is also presented. It is shown that the radiation power saturates at z=38.88 m (~20.4 gain lengths) and the exponential gain region covers from z=3 m to z=30.24 m. We also can find that the spectrum at saturation consists of many spikes in a wide frequency bandwidth. 0 10 20 30 40 50 10 10 10 10 10
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