Fate of many-body localization in an Abelian lattice gauge theory
Indrajit Sau,Debasish Banerjee,Arnab Sen
Abstract:We address the fate of many-body localization (MBL) of mid-spectrum eigenstates of a matter-free $U(1)$ quantum-link gauge theory Hamiltonian with random couplings on ladder geometries. We specifically consider an intensive estimator, $\mathcal{D} \in [0,1/4]$, that acts as a measure of elementary plaquettes on the lattice being active or inert in mid-spectrum eigenstates as well as the concentration of these eigenstates in Fock space, with $\mathcal{D}$ being equal to its maximum value of $1/4$ for Fock states in the electric flux basis. We calculate its distribution, $p(\mathcal{D})$, for $L_x \times L_y$ lattices, with $L_y=2$ and $4$, as a function of (a dimensionless) disorder strength $\alpha$ ($\alpha=0$ implies zero disorder) using exact diagonalization on many disorder realizations. Analyzing the skewness of $p(\mathcal{D})$ shows that the finite-size estimate of the critical disorder strength, beyond which MBL sets in for thin ladders with $L_y=2$, increases linearly with $L_x$ while the behavior of the full distribution with increasing $L_x$ at fixed $\alpha$ shows that $\alpha_c (L_y=2) >40$, if at all finite, based on data for $L_x \leq 12$. $p(\mathcal{D})$ for wider ladders with $L_y=4$ show their lower tendency to localize, suggesting a lack of MBL in two dimensions. A remarkable observation is the resolution of the (monotonic) infinite temperature autocorrelation function of single plaquette diagonal operators in typical high-energy Fock states into a plethora of emergent timescales of increasing spatio-temporal heterogeneity as the disorder is increased even before MBL sets in. At intermediate and large $\alpha$, but below $\alpha_c (L_y)$, certain randomly selected initial Fock states display striking oscillatory temporal behavior of such plaquette operators dominated by only a few frequencies, reminiscent of oscillations induced by quantum many-body scars.
Disordered Systems and Neural Networks,Strongly Correlated Electrons,High Energy Physics - Lattice,Quantum Physics