Improved Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Based on Genetic Algorithm
Wei Chen,Tao Zheng,Mei Chen,Xin Li
Abstract:Advanced Model Predictive Control 50Both single shooting method and multiple shooting based optimization approaches can then be solved by a nonlinear programming (NLP) solver.The conventional iterative optimization method,such as sequential quadratic programming (SQP) has been applied to NMPC.As a form of the gradient-based optimization method, SQP performs well in local search problems.But it cannot assure that the calculated control values are global optimal because of its relatively weak global search ability.Moreover, the performance of SQP greatly depends on the choice of some initialization values.Improper initial values will lead to local optima or even infeasible solutions.Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are a stochastic search technique that applies the concept of process of the biological evolution to find an optimal solution in a search space.The conceptual development of the technique is inspired by the ability of natural systems for adaptation.The increasing application of the algorithm has been proved to be efficient in solving complicated nonlinear optimization problems, because of their ability to search efficiently in complicated nonlinear constrained and non-convex optimization problem, which makes them more robust with respect to the complexity of the optimization problem compared to the more conventional optimization techniques.Compared with SQP, GAs can reduce the dimension of search space efficiently.Indeed, in SQP the state sequence is treated as additional optimization variables; as such, the number of decision variables is the sum of the lengths of both the state sequence and the control sequence.In contrast, in GAs, state equations can be included in the objective function, thus the number of decision variables is only the length of control sequence.Furthermore, the search range of the input variable constraints can be the search space of GA during optimization, which makes it easier to handle the input constraint problem than other descent-based methods.However, a few applications of GAs to nonlinear MPC [12][13] can partially be explained by the numerical complexity of the GAs, which make the suitable only for processes with slow dynamic.Moreover, the computational burden is much heavier and increases exponentially when the horizon length of NMPC increases.As a result, the implementation of NMPC tends to be difficult and even impossible.In this paper an improved NMPC algorithm based on GA is proposed to reduce the severe computational burden of conventional GA-based NMPC algorithms.A conventional NMPC algorithm seeks the exact global solution of nonlinear programming, which requires the global solution be implemented online at every sampling time.Unfortunately, finding the global solution of nonlinear programming is in general computationally impossible, not mention under the stringent real-time constraint.We propose to solve a suboptimal descent control sequence which satisfies the control, state and stability constraints in the paper.The solution does not need to minimize the objective function either globally or locally, but only needs to decrease the cost function in an effective manner.The suboptimal method has relatively less computational demands without deteriorating much to the control performance.The rest of the paper is organized as follows.Section 2 briefly reviews nonlinear model predictive control.Section 3 describes the basics of GAs, followed by a new GA-based computationally efficient NMPC algorithm.Section 4 analyses the stability property of our nonlinear model predictive control scheme for closed-loop systems.Section 5 demonstrates examples of the proposed control approach applied to a coupled-tank system and CSTR.Finally we draw conclusions and give some directions for future research.www.intechopen.