Wind Tunnel Test for the Wind Pressure Distribution on Hangzhou Huanglong Tennis Gymnasium
HUANG Jiang,GUAN Fu-ling,WU Kai-cheng
Abstract:The roof of Hangzhou Huanglong Tennis Gymnasium is retractable.Part of the roof can slide along two parallel tram roads.For the requirements of wind resistance design for the structure,a rigid model with scale was made,and the wind tunnel test about pulsating wind pressure and mean wind pressure on the structure surface was carried out.The distribution of wind pressure on the ellipsoidal surface roof including retractable roof at different wind direction and under all kinds of work conditions including open,semi-open and close is examined.To facilitate structure design,the roof is divided into several regions,based on the structure characteristics and corresponding regional wind pressure is offered.Finally,based on the characteristics of the distribution of wind pressure at different wind directions,the most dangerous wind directions for the structural wind resistance are also presented.