Influence of aluminum exposure on mouse hippocampus ion content and lipid peroxidation
SONG Chun-mei,ZHANG Lan,MA Hong-bo
Abstract:Objective To explore the influence of aluminum exposure on mouse seahorse aluminum,iron,zinc,copper,calcium and lipin peroxidation and provide the foundation for further exploration of the nerve poisonous function mechanism.Methods4 groups 64 Kunming mice were divided into four groups:The control group and 3 aluminum exposure groups(low aluminum,moderate aluminum,high aluminum),the aluminum exposure groups were fed with additional aluminum trichloride(AlCl3),whose dosage in the foundation feed respectively was 11.2 mg/(kg·bw),55.9 mg/(kg·bw),119.9 mg/(kg·bw),for 90 days,the content of seahorse′s aluminum,iron,zinc,copper and calcium was determined,at the same time seahorse organization SOD activeness and the content of MDA were determined.Results With the increase of fed aluminum,aluminum in the seahorse increased,while the content of iron,zinc,copper and calcium reduced,the SOD activeness reduced,the MDA content increased.Conclusion The aluminum had influences on organism oxidation resistance ability by disturbing metabolism of iron,zinc,copper and calcium.This possibly was one of the ways for aluminum to have nerve poisonous function.