An Intelligent Scheduling Algorithm for Traffic QoS Enhancement in Wimedia UWB Networks
Hongjiang Wang,Fei Ji,Ying Zhang,Gang Wei
Abstract:The paper proposes an intelligent scheduling algorithm for traffic QoS enhancement in Wimedia UWB networks based on ECMA-368 protocol systems. The algorithm can intelligently reallocate the channel resource, i.e., MAS number, by employing the borrowing and lending policy to adapt to the time-varying network channel conditions and variable transmission rate requirement of traffic flows for each node. Furthermore, during the scheduling process, fairness and priority of different traffic flows is considered to realize the QoS enhancement of all the traffic flows, CBR, VBR and UBR, in the whole network as soon as possible. In addition, some ASIE structures are designed to realize the scheduling algorithm. Finally, the proposed scheduling strategy is simulated on the Wimedia UWB NS2 platform based upon ECMA-368 protocol. The results show that our proposed algorithm can timely track the variable MAS number requirements of traffic flows intelligently in each superframe and coordinate the MAS number reallocation, borrow or lend, between the traffic flows to consist the required MAS number in theory with the occupied MAS number actually for each traffic flow to enhance the QoS performance of the whole Wimedia UWB network.