Backward Stochastic Differential Equations and Applications to Optimal Control
Shige Peng
Abstract:We study the existence and uniqueness of the following kind of backward stochastic differential equation, x(t) + integral-T/t f(x(s), y(s), s) ds + integral-T/t y(s) dW(s) = X, under local Lipschitz condition, where (OMEGA, F, P, W(.), F(t)) is a standard Wiener process, for any given (x, y), f(x, y, .) is an F(t)-adapted process, and X is F(T)-measurable. The problem is to look for an adapted pair (x(.), y(.)) that solves the above equation. A generalized matrix Riccati equation of that type is also investigated. A new form of stochastic maximum principle is obtained.