Energy Consumption Balanced WSN Routing Protocol Based on GASA

Abstract:The energy of wireless sensor networks is limited and the energy efficient routing protocols are applied to reduce energy consumption. An energy consumption balanced wireless sensor networks routing protocol based on the hybrid genetic simulated annealing algorithm (GASA) is proposed. The hybrid optimization strategy of simulated annealing algorithm and genetic algorithm is adopted in wireless sensor networks to construct global optimum communication link. The base station selects the node with most estimated remaining energy to be the cluster head by the improved energy consumption model and the information of the node with most estimated remaining energy. Simulation results show that compared with the PEGASIS protocol, when the first node dies, the lifetime of the networks is 266%~500% longer than that in the PEGASIS. When 20% and 50% of nodes die, the lifetime is 6%~20% longer. When different percent of nodes die, the variance of the remaining nodes’ energy is only 0.01%~1.34% of that in the PEGASIS. The proposed protocol is an effective method to achieve the balance of node energy consumption and to extend the lifetime of the networks.
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