Carbon Isotope Characteristics of Carbonate Minerals in Sediments of Core NH-1 on the Northern Continental Slope of the South China Sea and Their Geochemical Implications

Abstract:Methane derived from the decomposition of gas hydrate or seepage of gas reservoir at depth can result in carbonate minerals with much lower than normal δ13C content in the overlying marine sediments.Sediment samples of Core NH-1 were analyzed for total carbonate content,δ13C of total carbonates and biogenic carbonates,and organic carbon content.The results show that δ13C of total carbonates were between-6.09‰ and-0.48‰,while δ13C of planktonic foraminifera shells(Globigerinoides rube) were between-0.834‰ and 0.004‰.Sediment total carbonate contents were higher with an average of 6.90%.It was deducted that δ13C of authigenic carbonates in the sediments would be much more negative than normal,which may suggest high methane flux in sediments at this site.High methane flux was suggestive of the possible existence of gas hydrate formation or gas reservoir at depth at this site.δ13C of total carbonates correlated well with organic carbon contents as well as nitrogen contents,which indicated that organic matter contributed partially to the negative δ13C values of authigenic carbonates.The δ13C carbon isotope characters of carbonate in the sediments of Core NH-1 reflect a combined geochemistry process of methane anoxic oxidation and sulfate reduction with the organic carbon anoxic oxidation and sulfate reduction in the background of high methane flux.It was shown that δ13C of total carbonates could be used to estimate δ13C of authigenic carbonates and could be used as a substitutional indicator for the existence of high methane flux in sediments.
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