Study on Cytotoxity of Silk Protein Materials to Rat Embryo Epithelial Cells
Abstract:Objective Toinvestigate cytotoxity of silk protein materials and their effect on prolif-eration of rat embryoepithelial cells.Methods Rat embryoepithelial cells were cultivated pri marilyinvitro bytissue culture and directly onsilk protein materials or extractions of the materials.The activityof cell proliferationandrelative growthrate(RGR) were assessed by MTTcolori metric assay.Thency-totoxity of the silk protein materials was analysed.The effect of silk protein materials on growth ofcells was observed by viable cell counts.Results The activity of cell proliferation on NO.1,2,4,5,7,8,10 silk protein materials was not lessthanthat inthe control group.The activity of cell proliferationon NO.3,6,9 silk protein materials waslower thanthat inthe control group.Whilethe activity of cellproliferation on NO.11 silk protein material obviouslylower thanthat inthe control group.The cyto-toxity rank of NO.1,7 sericin materials was 0.The cytotoxity rank of NO.2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10 silkprotein materials was 1.The cytotoxity rank of NO.11 silk protein material was 2.The result of vi-able cell counts was compatible to MTTcolori metric assay.Conclusion Except from NO.11 silk pro-tein material,NO.1 ~10 silk protein materials do not have obvious cytotoxity to rat embryo epithelialcells and are able tosustain normal growth of cells.The silk protein materials have a good cytocompat-ibility with rat embryo epithelial cells.