Design Andimplement Ofatrimaran Unmanned Surface Vehicle System
Jianda Han
Abstract:Thispaperdescribes recent research onsystem Intherecent work, wehavedesigned andimplemented a design ofaTrimaran Unmanned Surface Vehicle (TUSV) controlTUSVprototype. Thetrimaran, control box,PC-104 control system andacontrol scheme forsuchavehicle. Thetrimaran is computer, communication units, sensors suchasinertial tobedesigned asatest bedfortheimplementation ofnew measured unit (IMU), compass, altimeter andsoonshould be nonlinear control theories. Thefullsystemhasbeentested . ' a successfully inthemanualoperation andobtained useful data,dsigned, compandchosen Wo assemble thegraoun whichistobeanalyzed andusedinidentifying theTUSVmodel supporting system whichisusedtopre-schedule thetrajectory, anddesign advanced control technologies. Acontrol methodology update theonboard computer program andcollect useful data. fortrimaran, whichisbasedonnonlinear dynamic equations A wireless-LAN willbe usedtoprovide thereal-time witha simplified thrust-torque generation modelvalidfor communications between thecontrol computer andtheground cruising ispresented. supporting station. Thesoftware frame based onQNX real- timeoperation system(RTOS)hasalsobeenconstructed Index Terms -Trimaran, USV, controller design, PIDcontrolincluding PWM outputmodule,8-serials sensordata collecting module, 8255timerspeed sensormoduleand I.INTRODUCTION wireless commutation module. A widerange ofcontrol methodologies havebeenapplied Unmanned surface vehicles (USV)canbemadeasa toprevious underactuated ships, butthecontrol oftrimans has platform forpureacademic research andmanyapplications less beenmentioned. Inthis paper wepresent themethodology where humanintervention isconsidered difficult ordangerousofmulti-channel decoupling PIDcontrol whichisnecessitates Marine vehicles havebeendramatically researched forovera thedevelopment ofaplant model. decade. Currently, manytypes ofships havebeenoperating on Thebrief ofthis paper isasfollow: IntheSection II, we theseasorrivers suchascargo ships, container ships, fishing Tre thedofth e Ts system. TheSembin of ships, andtanker ships. Traditionally, theunderactuated shipstheTUSV system willbepresent inSection III. Themulti- havebeenserved astheunitforabove missions because its channel deoupl PI control methoology isTesignedii simple, symmetric, decoupled dynamics andstable futures, ctinIV.Inthe end, weconclude ourworkanddiscuss andhavemanysuccessful records inactual field operations. issues forfuture research. Theunderactuated piecehullsofa special typespeed trimarans areconstructed byamaincenter hull andtwosmall II.DESIGN ANDIMPLEMENTATION OFTUSVCONTROL outerhulls, whichcouldbe called SmallOuterHull SYSTEM Trimarans(SOHT), they provide spacious decksurface asone Theoverall TUSV system comprises ofthetrimaran oftheirmainadvantage. Becauseoftheparticular platform, theonboard control system, andtheground construction, thehighspeed trimarans, SOHTshavelower monitoring station. Thetrimaran itself isable tooperate with resistance,excellent sea-keeping performance, obvious virtuethecontrol computersystemand onboardsensors ingeneral layout andstealth, compared withsingle hull shipsindependently. Thefull duplex wireless-LAN equipments are orcatamarans. Inparticular, highspeed SOHTscancel the installed intheground station andtheUSV system to wavesbythewaveinterference effect fromeachpiece hulls to exchange data fromthemincluding receiving commands from reduce waveresistance; alleviate thediagonal shake and theground system andreporting theoperating status or fast roll, whichoften occurs inthecatamarans; dampthe pitch~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ an.ev;sil os rmudrae hphls possible damages tothegroundstation. Thearchitecture ofthe pitch andheave; shield noise fromunderwater ship hulls.TUVcnrlsteispsnednFgue1 .' . . . . ~~~~~~~TUSV control system iSpresented inFigure 1. Now,sea-keeping performance ispaid moreattention, sois thestealth. Therefore inrecent years theunconvertional ship formsarestudied andapplied morethanever, andtheir size tendstoincrease. Highspeedtrimarans manifest obvious virtue inthese aspects sothatthehighspeedtrimran are