Passively Mode-Locked All-Fiber Ring Soliton Laser Based on All-Solid Yb-Doped Photonic Bandgap Fiber
Chunmei Ouyang,Lu Chai,Youjian Song,Minglie Hu,Qingyue Wang
Chinese Journal of Lasers
Abstract:A passively mode-locked all-fiber ring soliton laser is constructed based on all-solid Yb-doped photonic bandgap fibers (AS-Yb-PBGF),which provide the laser gain and anomalous dispersion simultaneously.Without using any bulk dispersion compensators,the laser cavity is simple,compact,environmentally stable,and easy to achieve all-fiber configuration.By means of the nonlinear Schr(?)dinger equation,the dynamics of single-soliton operation in the laser is numerically simulated and the optimal parameter is obtained with the split-step Fourier method.In the calculation,when the length of the AS-Yb-PBGF was chosen as 0.4 m and the length of single mode fiber (SMF) as 0.4 m,the single-soliton operation with the pulse duration of 244 fs,the pulse energy up to 14 pJ, in which the time-bandwidth product is 0.32 as nearly the transform-limited pulse,has been shown.