Commissioning of a Compact THz Source Based on FEL
Y. Pei,Lei Cao,Qushan Chen,G. Feng,Q. Fu,Xiaoye He,Yilin Hong,T. Hu,G. Huang,D. Jia,P. Lu,Sheng-Hua Lu,L. Shang,Lianguan Shen,Sun Baogen,P. Tan,Zhenxing Tang,Wei Wang,X. Wang,Wei,Y. Xiong,Fang Zhang
Abstract:The layout of the THz source based on FEL was described in this paper. The THz source was based on a FEL which was composed of a compact 8-14MeV LINAC, undulator, optical resonance, THz wave measurement system and so on. The facility was designed in 2013 and the typical running parameter got in 2017 were as the following: energy is of 12.7MeV, energy spread is of 0.3%, macro-pulse is of 4 μs, pulse length of micro-pulse is of 6ps, emittance is of 24 mm.mrad. After that the machine was commissioning for production THz radiation. In November 2018, the THz wave was test and got THz wave signal, the spectrum was also got. This year, we plan to measure the output power of the THz source. COMMISSIONING OF THE FACILITY The THz source is a compact FEL facility operating wavelength on THz range. The facility is main composed of an electron LINAC, an undulator and an optical resonance cavities etc. The layout of the facility is shown as Fig. 1 [1]. The main running parameters of the LINAC are shown in Table 1. Figure 1: Layout of facility. Table 1: Main Running Parameters of the LINAC Parameter Unit Value Energy MeV 9.7-13.5 Beam Current A 0.5-0.74(macro) 30~40 (micro) Width of Beam Pulse μs ps 1~4.2 (macro) 1~10 (micro) Repeat Frequency pps 2-10 Charge per Pulse pC >200 Energy Spread % 0.26-0.4 Nor. Emittance μm <27 RF Frequency MHz 2856 Input Power MW 20 Linac The electron LINAC consists of a novel EC-ITC RF gun, constant gradient travelling wave structure accelerating tube, focusing coil, beam diagnostics system, microwave power system, vacuum system, and control system and so on. EC-ITC RF gun is employ an ITC RF cavities which input power and phase can to be adjusted [2] independently, and a thermal cathode diode gun of 15 kV which is located out the first RF cavity, its anode voltage can be adjust also. The diode gun can provide high electron beam current of 4 A. The EC-ITC RF gun is very compact which size is of 18 cm and the gun is running well now. In order to reduce LINAC size, a constant gradient, travelling wave, mode and collinear load structure have be employed [3], which made the linac's output coupler to be removed so that the LINAC's radial size and the focusing coil size is reduced. The input coupler of the LINAC is an offaxial structure so that the electric field in the coupler will be symmetry near axial of the LINAC. Figure 2 showed the electric field distribution in the input coupler. According to simulation, we choose off-axial distance is of 1.35 mm. In order to restrain the emmitance growing and focusing the beam, one short magnetic lens and one set solenoid coil have be adopted, their magnetic field distribution were showed as Fig. 3 [4]. Figure 2: Field distribution in coupler. Figure 3: Magnetic distribution. ___________________________________________ * Work supported by 863 Project † 10th Int. Partile Accelerator Conf. IPAC2019, Melbourne, Australia JACoW Publishing ISBN: 978-3-95450-208-0 doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-TUPTS046