Equilibrium policies model of ordering and pricing in a three-tier supplychain network
Junxiu Jia,Hua Li,Xiangpei Hu
Abstract:A model is built to analyze the optimal problems of pricing competitionsamong multiple manufacturers, and, ordering and, pricing competitions betweentwo distributors and, among multiple retailers in a, three-tier supply chainnetwork. We consider the relation and, existence conditions of equilibrium,policies by discussing the models' separability and, optimality. The followingconclusions are obtained. Firstly, the game among members in the same tierdownstream is actually the game of different brands in the supply chain. Undersome conditions, optimal ordering and, pricing policies for distributors andretailers exist. The manufacturers can find their optimal pricing policies whenconsumers' demand is price sensitive. Secondly, some important relations hiddenin the business practice are found, among unit costs. Finally, a, numericalexample is presented, for further analysis of the decision relation. ICIC International © 2010.