Access-Pattern-Aware Personalized Buffer Management for Database Systems
Yigui Yuan,Zhaole Chu,Peiquan Jin,Shouhong Wan
Abstract:Buffer management is an essential technology for database management systems.Traditional buffer management employs an empirical approach based on access recency or frequency which fails to adapt to access-pattern changes in various database applications.In this paper, we present a new access-pattern-aware buffer manager called PBM (Personalized Buffer Manager), which can detect the access patterns for each database file and use a specific buffering policy for each database file.In particular, we propose a workload classifier to detect the access pattern of a database file.Then, we partition the buffer into various zones, set different sizes for each zone, and select the most suitable buffering scheme for each zone.With such a mechanism, each zone is responsible for caching a specific database file, and we can realize a personalized buffer manager for different database files, which can improve the buffer efficiency and reduce the page I/Os of the buffer manager.We compare PBM with three existing buffering algorithms, including LRU, LFU, and LeCaR, on two workloads, namely a regular workload and a shifting workload, which are composed of different access patterns.The results show that PBM outperforms the three competitors in terms of hit ratio and page I/Os.As a consequence, PBM achieves 1.66x, 2.03x, and 1.39x hit-ratio improvements compared to LRU, LFU, and LeCaR, respectively, on the regular workload.While on the shifting workload, PBM achieves 1.90x, 1.55x, and 1.49x higher hit ratios than LRU, LFU, and LeCaR, respectively.