Lowry method for the determination of pegylated proteins: The error, its reason, and a method for eliminating it
Xing Wen Gong,Dong Zhi Wei,Ming Lei He,Yu Chun Xiong
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ab.2006.04.020
IF: 2.9
Analytical Biochemistry
Abstract:modification (i.e., pegyla-tion) is an effective approach to enhancing pharmaceuticalprotein’s delivery (e.g., increasing stability and solubility,prolonging plasma half-life, decreasing toxicity, and antige-nicity) [1]. The protein determination is very important forthe quantification of pegylated proteins, and the Lowrymethod [2] has been recommended or used for this purpose[3–5]. However, Abuchowski and co-workers [6] found thatthe Lowry method gave erroneously high values with pegy-lated bovine serum albumin (BSA). We also encounteredthis problem when determining several pegylated proteinssuch as recombinant interleukin 2 (rIL-2) and interferona-2b. Because Abuchowski and co-workers [6] mentionedsuch a phenomenon without a detailed report, we did thisresearch to analyze the reason for this error and hopedto find a method to eliminate it. The Bradford method [7]was used as a comparison because it was faster and moresensitive than the Lowry method and has even been recom-mended as a replacement of the latter [8,9].Standard BSA was used for the preparation of bothstandard curve and pegylated samples so that we couldget the theoretical concentration of a sample by preciseweighing and dilution and could know the accuracy of amethod by comparison of the theoretical and determinedvalues.BSA was dissolved in 0.2 M phosphate buffer at pH 7.5to form a 1-mg/ml solution. The solution was divided intothree aliquots and treated with unactivated mPEG5000 inmolar amounts equal to 25-, 50-, and 100-fold of BSA.These three samples were labeled as A, B, and C, respec-tively. Another three samples (1 mg/ml) were prepared byintroducing BSA into 0.2 M phosphate buffer at pH 7.0,7.5, and 8.0. Then SC-PEG5000, which was synthesizedand activated according to the procedure of Zalipsky andco-workers [10], was added at a 50:1 molar ratio ofSC-PEG to BSA. These three samples were labeled asD, E, and F, respectively.The samples were kept at room temperature for30 min. Then reactions were terminated with excessiveacetic acid. Modification extents (i.e., polymer contentin pegylated proteins) were determined according toTNBS method [11] and were 0, 0, 0, 8.2, 14.8, and26.6% for samples A, B, C, D, E, and F, respectively.Samples were diluted precisely to theoretical concentra-tions 100, 50, and 25 lg/ml. The Lowry method [2]and the Bradford method [7] were carried out to deter-mine protein concentrations. The relative error (Er) wascalculated according to Eq. (1):Er ¼d tt 100%; ð1Þwhere Er is the relative error, d is the determined concen-tration, and t is the theoretical concentration. The absolutevalue of Er was taken for two-way analysis of variance(ANOVA). The Duncan’s simple sequence repeat (SSR)test was chosen for multiple means comparison. Thecriterion of statistical significance was taken as P 0.05), but activated SC-PEG had a verysignificant influence on it (P < 0.01). Some of the