The Microscopic Anatomical Study with the Improved Sinus Sigmoideus- into the Internal Acoustic Meatus Road
Abstract:Objective: To explore the way by which the modem imaging technology combined with neuronavigation device to use the improved sinus signaoideus - into the internal acoustic meatus road ( Retrosigrnoidal suprameatal approach, RSSMA) to quantify the ampliative mill range of the internal acoustic meatus and the apex partis petrosae as well as its safety, effectiveness and practicality. Materials: 15 cases of adult dead heads (beth bilateral have 30 sets of data) which were primed by 10% formalin, 64 - slice spiral CT (0.625mm thick), Mimics V10.0 software, neuronavigation systems and so on. Methods: Using the accurate neunmavigatinn systems to simulate the surgical approach and dissect micmscopiely layer by layer, mill(from back to front) the internal acoustic meatus and the apex partis petresae securely, in order to improve security of the milling, and using CT measurements to observe and measure the grinding scope of the internal acoustic meatus and the apex partis petrosae and then measure the exposure range of trigeminal nerve; Using Mimics V10.0 software to reconstruct the three- dimensional inner ear and temporal bone, and then estimate the relatively safe grinding range of the petrous bene. Results: Through this experimental study by the improved RSSMA, the front- back, middle- side of the internal acoustic meatus can all be worn out completely; the up - down (8..22mm bone can be worn out ), front - back, middle - side of the petrous bone can be partially worn out; the trigeminal nerve can be exposed ampliatively 9.26mm; the surgical field of the anterior and posterior wall of the auditory canal can expand 33.06° angle; the superior clivus can be exposed 93.08 mm2,the middle fessa is about 148.76mm2. Conclusion: The improved RSSMA approach which combined with neuronavigation device and modem medical imaging technology is much more simple, practical, minimally invasive and safer than the traditional, and it is a better option for the petreclival tumor surgery.