Information Security Underlying Transparent Computing: Impacts, Visions and Challenges.
Yaoxue Zhang,Laurence Tianruo Yang,Yuezhi Zhou,Wenyuan Kuang
Abstract:The rapid development of computer network technologies and social informationalization has brought many new opportunities and challenges in information security. With improved information and service sharing enjoyed by more and more people, how to strengthen the information security has become an increasingly critical issue. In this paper, we propose a new network security mechanism based on a novel computing paradigm, i.e., transparent computing, which is based on the extended von Neumann architecture. This paradigm separates the program storage and execution, which is implemented in the network environment. It is realized by a new generation server and client BIOS, namely EFI BIOS, and coordinated with the MetaOS management platform and related switching and input/ouput devices of transparent computing. Through the interface between hardware and software, it conducts effective control, monitoring and management of data and instructions in a block-streaming way for the operating system and the application programs above it. At the same time, it adopts a security protection mechanism to prevent and remove prevalent malicious software such as worm and Trojan horse. Several demonstrated examples are described in detail to illustrate the attractive and promising security features and advantages.