A Reed Muller-based approach for optimization of general binary quantum multiplexers
Kevin Jin,Tahsin Saffat,Marek Perkowski
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1902.06229
Abstract:Previous work has provided methods for decomposing unitary matrices to series of quantum multiplexers, but the multiplexers created in this way are highly non-minimal. This paper presents a new approach for optimizing quantum multiplexers with arbitrary single-qubit quantum target functions. For quantum multiplexers, we define standard forms and two types of new forms: fixed polarity quantum forms (FPQF) and Kronecker quantum forms (KQF), which are analogous to Minterm Sum of Products forms, Fixed Polarity Reed-Muller (FPRM) forms, and Kronecker Reed-Muller (KRM) forms, respectively, for classical logic functions. Drawing inspiration from the usage of butterfly diagrams for FPRM and KRM forms, we devise a method to exhaustively construct all FPQF and KQF forms. Thus, the new forms can be used to optimize quantum circuits with arbitrary target unitary matrices, rather than only multi-controlled NOT gates such as CNOT, CCNOT, and their extensions. Experimental results on FPQF and KQF forms, as well as FPRM and KRM classical forms, applied to various target gates such as NOT, V, V+, Hadamard, and Pauli rotations, demonstrate that FPQF and KQF forms greatly reduce the gate cost of quantum multiplexers in both randomly generated data and FPRM benchmarks.
Quantum Physics,Emerging Technologies