Corporate Default Probability Model Based on Credit Spread and Logistic Regression
Yong CAO,Meng-gang LI,Gang LI,Ya-hui HONG
Abstract:There exist two problems in the application of Logistic model to calculate corporate default probabili-ties.One is that Logistic model can not be estimated or the results calculated are incorrect on the condition the corporate default records database is unavailable or the database is not typical.The other is the differences in dis-tribution characteristics of financial indicators between industries are usually ignored in current Logistic default probability models.It leads to the decrease in the accuracy of corporate default probability calculation.To solve the first problem,the corporate default probabilities implied in the corporate bond credit spreads are calculated. Then the parameters of Logistic regresion are estimated on the basis of Logistic transformation,so that the corpo-rate default probabilities calculated conform to the actual situation of the credit market.To solve the second prob-lem,it is confirmed there exist significant differences in distribution characteristics of key financial indicators between industries by singel factor variance analysis.It is also confirmed the accuracy of corporate default proba-bilites is improved significantly,calculated by the Logistic models established respectively for each industry.The process of establishment of Logistic default probability model is as follows.The financial indicators which reflect similar information are deleted through correlation analysis of financial indicators initially selected.The financial indicators with weak explanatory capacity to corporate default probability are deleted through coefficient signifi-cant test of financial indicators.According to the criterion of linear regression fitness,the key financial indicators of Logistic default probability model are selected for different industries.Logistic default probability models are established for 5 sample industries such as machinery and equipment industryetc,providing models and methods to calculate the corporate default probabilities accurately for sample industries.The innovations and characteris-tics of the paper are as follows.Firstly,the corporate default probabilities implied in the bond market are calcu-lated according to the credit spreads of corporate bonds,and taken as the explained variable of the Logistic linear regression after Logistic transformation,solving the problem to estimate the parameters of Logistic default proba-bility models without the corporate default records database.Secondly,through single factor variance analysis,it confirms that there exist significant differences in distribution characteristics of financial indicators between indus-tries,and it indicates that the Logistic default probability model should be established respectively for each industry.Thirdly,through correlation analysis of financial indicators initially selected,the financial indicators which reflect similar information are deleted;through coefficient significant test of financial indicators,the finan-cial indicators with weak explanatory capacity to corporate default probability are deleted,which ensures the key financial indicators selected finally are reasonable.Fourthly,the empirical study shows that the key financial indicators of Logistic default probability models are different between industries,and the parameters of the same financial indicators are distinctive in different Logistic default probability models.The empirical study also shows the goodness of fit and the adjusted goodness of fit are enhanced nearly one time when the Logistic default proba-bility models are established respectively for each industry instead of being as a whole.The results of the study have reference value for improving the accuracy of corporate default probability calculation,and for loan pricing, corporate bond pricing and credit risk management of commercial banks.