Inhibition of Reinforcement' and Phenomena of Experimental Extinction.
C. I. Hovland
Abstract:I White, P., Plant Physiol., 9, 585 (1934). 7 Robbins, W., Bartley, M., and White, V., Bot. Gaz., 97, 554 (1936). * Schmucker, Th., Planta, 9, 339 (1930). ' Wehnelt, B., Jahrb. wiss. Bot., 66, 773 (1927). 10 Wehnelt experienced difficulty in that pure water sometimes caused a reaction. If the pods are allowed to wilt slightly before use this difficulty can be avoided. 11 Jost, L., Ber. d. d. bot. Gesell., 53, 733 (1935). 12 Schopfer, W., Ibid., 52, 308 (1934). 13 Dagys, J., Protoplasma, 24, 14 (1935). 14 Bobilioff-Preisser, W., Beih. z. bot. Zentralbi., 33, 248 (1917).