Multi-process modeling method for business-process performance optimization
Sen ZENG,Yu-shun FAN,Shuang-xi HUANG
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
Abstract:To improve the performance of business processes, the system structure of the business-process performance optimization life-cycle was analyzed in detail from the viewpoint of the system dynamics. Based on the control theory, it was proved that: 1) improving accuracy of the model and, 2) decreasing cycle time of the modeling, analyzing, and implementation of the business processes were crucial factors to the business-process performance optimization. To satisfy the two requirements, a Multi-Process modeling Framework and Method (MPFM) was proposed to unify the modeling process of the enterprise model, simulation model and workflow model. And the correlations among various processes were described and modeled accurately in the MPFM. Then, a meta-model of the corresponding MPFM-modeling tool was designed based on the Meta Object Facility (MOF). Finally, a case was used to demonstrate the application of the MPFM method.