Capability Comparison among Watershed Pollution Loading Models

Abstract:The 47 models used for river basin management are collected and classified into three categogies: the watershed loading model,the receiving water model and the integrated modeling system.Among them,nineteen models calculating watershed pollution load are studied.Firstly,this paper describes their input data,output,land use type,the hydrologic computing mechanics,the pollutants and sediments types,the time scale,and the software providers.Based on the modeling application and the relative literature reports,a qualitative evaluation is made from the angels of the suitability to the different land use type and the different time scale,the hydrological simulation capability,the simulation capability of the different pollutant loads,the routing methods of pollutants transportation,the output format,the input requirements,the BMP analysis supporting,and the documentation.The evaluation results are expressed by the 'High','Middle' and 'Low',which indicate the capability status of the model from the good to the poor.
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