Planar Rogowski CoilCurrent Transducer UsedforThree-phase Plate-form Busbars
Guixin Zhang,Xiaomei Zhu
Abstract:Formeasuring current inthree-phase plate-form busbars, this paperproposed anindirect method that usedplanar Rogowski coilasthecurrent sensing part.Basedon the electromagnetic induction law, Biot-Savart lawandthenumerical integration arithmetic, thevector potential ofthebusbar was calculated andtheElectromotive force oftheplanar coil forthe single phaseandthree-phase busbar current wasdeduced The relative errorthatwascausedbyvertical displacement, flat displacement androtated displacement ofcoilismeasured and calculated whenthecoil isusedfor themeasurement ofplate-form busbar current. Theresults ofthetheoretical calculation about the coil havegoodaccordance withtheexperiments. Morethantwo years offield testing showsthat thecurrent transducers based onthe planar Rogowski coil proposed bythis paper meets thepracticality. Keywords - current measurement, magnetic transducer, coils, busbars, fault currents, vector potential, Rogowski coil I.INTRUDUCTION Plate-form busbar conductors arecommonly usedinmany electrical powerdistribution equipments, suchashigh- voltage switchgear, etal.Duetothenarrowly measuring range, theinductive current transformers manifest magnetic saturation phenomena andwaveformdistortion inthe secondary side, andcan't measure heavy current accurately. Theclosed loopRogowski coilcurrent transducer can eliminate themagnetic saturation phenomena inthe measurement ofheavycurrent, buttheclosed loopstructure transducer can't install conveniencely inthefield offixed current loop. Magnetic field transducer, however, tomeasure themagnetic field atapoint neartheconductor, canbeused tomeasure thecurrent indirectly. There aremanymagnetic field transducers, such astransducers based onelectric optical effect(1-3), Halleffect(4-6), andmagnetoresistive effect(7), etal.Forimproving theaccuracy ofthemeasurement, magnetic transducer circular arrays canbeused, thesensing elements areassembled onacircle around theconductor(4- 7).Butthestructure ofthese transducers arecomplex and can't install easily inthefield test. Inthis study, weapply anon-contact current transducer, based ontheplanar Rogowski coil, tomeasure thecurrent of three-phase busbars inthehigh-voltage (HV)switchgear of themiddle voltage of10kV. InsuchHV switchgear for10 kV,thethree busbars being placed closely toeachother and having a crosssection ofrectangular formareusedasa conductor. Unlike theinductive current transformers of conventional type,theplanar Rogowski coilcurrent transducer donotenclose theconductor. Soitcaninstall easily infield test. U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11 t~~~~X', Y')/r A1 a ay 'a,' a Nj,a r or z (b)Structure parameters ofplanar coil andcross-section diagram ofplate- formbusbar