Physical States and BRST Operators for Higher-Spin W Strings
Yu-Xiao Liu,Shao-Wen Wei,Li-Jie Zhang,Ji-Rong Ren
Abstract:In this paper, we mainly investigate the W 2,s M ⊗ W 2,s L system, in which the matter and the Liouville subsystems generate the W 2,s M and W 2,s L algebras, respectively. We first give a brief discussion of the physical states for the corresponding W strings. The lower states are given by freezing the spin-2 and spin-s currents. Then, introducing two pairs of ghost-like fields, we give the realizations of the W 1,2,s algebras. Based on these linear realizations, the BRST operators for the W 2,s algebras are obtained. Finally, we construct new BRST charges of the Liouville system for the W 2,s L strings at the specific values of the central charges c: \(c=-\frac{22}{5}\) for the W 2,3 L algebra, c=−24 for the W 2,4 L algebra and \(c=-2,-\frac{286}{3}\) for the W 2,6 L algebra, at which the corresponding W 2,s L algebras are singular.