Nonresonant double Hopf bifurcation in delayed Stuart-Landau system

PEI Li-jun,XU Jian
Abstract:A Stuart-Landau system with delayed state feedback is proposed to investigate effects of the time delay and feedback gain on the system. Its local linear stability for trivial equilibrium is analyzed and critical condition is represented in two parameters, namely, time delay and feedback gain. Moreover, sufficient and necessary condition for a 1:√2 double Hopf bifurcation occurring in the system is obtained by using Hopf bifurcation theorem. To classify various bifurcating solutions derived from the double Hopf bifurcation, the system is reduced on a 4-dimensional center manifold. These solutions with the distinct topological structures are expressed in a closed form and the dynamics induced by time delay and gain is predicted analytically. The analytical results are in good agreement with those from numerical simulation. This confirms the analytical prediction. The obtained results show that the time delay and feedback gain may not only lead to the called death island, but also to double Hopf bifurcation from which various periodic motions with distinct topological structures occur in the system under consideration. These results have some potential applications, such as controlling vibration and synchronization of the system.
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