Study on Pharmacokinetics of Brucine in Mice

Abstract:OBJECTIVE To study the pharmacokinetics of brucineinmice METHODS After intra gastric administ ra ctionofbru cineat doseso f6 0and 4 0mg·kg- 1 inmice ,the plasm aandtis sueconce ntrat ionsatd iffernet timepointswer edete rminedb yfluoresce ncespect ropho tometry Thedat awere proc esse dwith 3P 87pharmacokineti cprogram RESULTS Theph armacok ineticpa rametersofthet wodoseswereas follows:Kawere 3 5 6and 4 31h- 1 ;Kewere 0 5 4and 0 5 9h- 1 ;t1 2Ka were 0 19and 0 16h ,t1 2Ke were 1 2 8and 1 17h ;Vcwere 14 5 9and 13 37L·kg- 1 ;CLs were 7 87and 7 89L·h- 1 ·kg- 1 ;AUCwere 7 6 2and 5 0 7h·mg·L- 1 ,respectively Thebrucineconcen tration intheli verwast hehighe standth osein thekidney ,heart,lung ,braina ndpl asmadecr sedsequen tially CONCLUSION Atdosesof 60 ,4 0mg·kg-1 inmice ,the conc entration timecurve sofbru cinewer efoundt obefi ttedtoone compar tme ntopenmo delwi thfir storder abs orption Thedistr ibuti ona nd eliminatio nwererapid
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