Optimization of Fuzzy Social Force Model Adaptive Parameter using Genetic Algorithm for Mobile Robot Navigation Control
Alif Wicaksana Ramadhan,Bima Sena Bayu Dewantara,Setiawardhana Setiawardhana
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17529/jre.v19i1.28330
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika
Abstract:The Social Force Model (SFM) is a popular navigation technique for mobile robots that is primarily used to simulate pedestrian movement. The SFM method's drawback is that several parameter values, such as gain, k, and impact range, σ, must be determined manually. The reaction of the SFM is frequently inappropriate for certain environmental circumstances as a result of this manual determination. In this paper, we propose employing the Fuzzy Inference System (FIS), whose rules are optimized using a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to manage the value of the gain, k, parameter adaptive. The relative distance, d, and relative angle, α, concerning the robot's obstacle are the inputs for the FIS. The test results using a 3-D realistic CoppeliaSim demonstrated that the learning outcomes of FIS rules could provide adaptive parameter values suitable for each environmental circumstance, allowing the robot to travel smoothly is represented using the robot’s heading deviation which decreasing by and reaching the goal 1.6 sec faster from the starting point to the goal, compared to the SFM with the fixed parameter value. So that the proposed method is more effective and promising when deploying on the real robot implementation.