Detection and analysis of serum immunoglobulin E levels in healthy volunteers from Jiangsu and Anhui
Abstract:Objective Serum total immunoglobulin E (tIgE)and allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (sIgE)levels were detected in a healthy population to evaluate their clinical value and significance.Methods A total of 379 healthy volunteers were recruited for this study,including 207 males and 172 females who were aged 17-64 years with a median age of 27 years old.All volunteers underwent a healthy physical examination in the Jiangsu or Anhui area.Serum levels of tIgE and sIgE were detected using a capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and the enzyme-league immune method (Phadiatop),respectively.A tIgE level ≤100 kU/L was regarded negative,while a level >100 kU/L was regarded positive.For the sIgE level,Phadiatop values <0.35 kU/L (class 0) were regarded negative,and values≥0.35 kU/L (class ≥1)were positive.Data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0 software.A P-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant,with a correction ofα=0.05/6 (P<0.0083)in multiple comparisons.Results Among the 379 healthy volunteers,the tIgE serum level was 1.48-1903.22 (median 53.70)kU/L,and it was signifi-cantly higher in males than in females (P<0.001).The serum level of sIgE (Phadiatop)was 0.01-45.20 (median 0.07)kUA/L,with no significant difference between males and females (P=0.207).tIgE was positive and negative in 129 subjects (34.04%)and 250 subjects (65.96%),respectively,and Phadiatop was positive and negative in 88 subjects (23.22%)and 291 subjects (76.78%),respectively.The serum level of tIgE was highest in the group that was 17-30 years old (median 62.18 kU/L,P=0.006)among the four age groups,especially in males (80.60 kU/L, P=0.009).No significant difference was fund in the serum level of sIgE among the four age groups (P=0.318). There were 67 subjects (76.14%)with a tIgE level >100 kU/L in the positive sIgE group and 62 subjects (21.31%) with a tIgE level >100 kU/L in the negative sIgE group.Moreover,in the negative tIgE group,the majority were negative for sIgE (91.60%,P<0.001).The Spearman rank correlation coefficient between serum tIgE and sIgE lev-els was 0.650,which was statistically significant (positive correlation,P<0.001).Conclusion There was a positive correlation between the serum levels of tIgE and sIgE in this healthy population from the Jiangsu and Anhui areas.A lower serum level of tIgE (less than 100 kU/L)may be a reference value to exclude allergic sensitization.