Output Tracking Control Problem Based on Fuzzy Logic System

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1001-0920.2003.01.003
Abstract:Fuzzy indirect adaptive tracking controller is designed to realize the tracking control for a class of uncertain nonlinear interconnected large-scale systems. Fuzzy control and fuzzy logic approach with1fuzzyslidemodecontrolarecombinedtodeal with the problem. For the lower dimensional uncertain dynamic of the subsystems and the higher-dimensional one of the interconnected terms, two classes of fuzzy rules are adopted respectively to approach the uncertainties. The fuzzy sliding mode control is introduced to counteract the exterior disturbance and the fuzzy approaching errors. Based on Lyapunovmethod,theparametersofthesystemsare regulated on line by the adaptive laws. The designed indirect adaptive controller makes the system stable in the Lyapunov sense, and makes the tracking error convergence to zero as well. The simulation illustrates the validation of the design scheme.
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