A Development Model of Red Weathering Crust on Limestones:an Example from Hunan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and Tibet

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2002.03.005
Abstract:Based on research results of red weathering curst on limestones (WCL) in Hunan,Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and Tibet, the authors analysed the relationship of red WCL andevolution of landforms using principles of geomorphology, clay mineralogy and geochemistry,and pot forward a two-stage development model. Firstiy, insoluble residual of carbonates havebeen cumulated in the later stage of geographical cycle and WCL was formed on planationsurface (PS). This is called stage of lowering of landform and accumulation of residual orstage of planation and crustal formation. The gentle relief and backwater, derived from PS (inhumid tropical), is available for the formation and Preservation of clays (argilication), butrestricts WCL to effective allitication. This accords with the characters of WCL in the studyareas (including chemical composition and nineralogical assemblage of clays and granularityof 23 profiles). The second stage of the above model is incision of landform and alliticationof WCL or incision-erubescence. The initial WCL located on PS is mainly gray due toreductive circumstance. WCL will have changed from gray (reductive) to red (oxidative) ifonly tectonic uplift and incision of rivers lower groundwater table, and geomorphologic andhydrgeological (hydrological) conditions have promoted to allitication. This is confirmedusing material of field investigations. The WCL on the initial PS, such as Hunan andGuangxi, is mainly gray-color and those on the uplifted plateau, such as Yunnan-Guizhou andTibetan plateaus, is red. In addition, red WCL is spatially located on PS.
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